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We strive to offer the best customer service in the business and in doing so we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions that we may think may be helpful for you. If there are any more queries or information you seek, we look forward to hearing from you.

We are one of the biggest manufacturer and exporters. We engineer a massive capacity of approx. 10 lakh units of different products per month and at the same time master a wide range of around 100-120 different models.  The promise of quality and unmatched product mix defines us. We are focused on offering premium quality experience and highly durable spare parts to masses. To this end, we strive for continuous innovation and thus introduce the world of automotive spare parts industry to a new paradigm of excellence. We also provide the following benefits to our partners.

  • Dedicated account manager
  • Branding/marketing support
  • Extensive knowledge of import and regulation compliances
  • Quality assurance
  • 100% transparent business transaction
  • Sales promotion support
  • Private white labeling

Eastman is into the international business of automotive (motorcycle) product/components.

  • Tires and tubes
  • Spare parts
  • Batteries
  • Motorcycles

We are an end to end service providers, from sourcing and quality control to logistics for the products to the countries where we supply.

The company works with many importers/distributors based in a diverse set of locations including the Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. View all of our global locations.

Partnering with Eastman opens up host lot of opportunities. You can become a partner by simply filling up a form so that we can know more about you.

Eastman auto and power is an international company with headquarters based in Gurugram, Haryana. The marketing office is also Gurugram, Haryana.

Email or contact via phone/mobile from the details given on contact us page or simply fill up a form.

We have dedicated sections to each spare part. Get detailed information on products here.


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